
Do not miss the most anticipated and beautiful market of the holiday season!!

From the moment you step into the magical Crystal Gardens and immerse yourself in the most beautiful market in the city, you will know why Out of Hand Modern Market has been a beloved holiday tradition for over 30 years. As part of the kick off to the holiday season in downtown Victoria, Out of Hand offers a highly curated selection of beautiful goods made by hand by Western Canada’s most accomplished and talented artists and makers. Buy directly from the creators of stunning jewellery, pottery, body care, fashion, food, wine and spirits, home décor and more. Live music and onsite coffee bar make for a wonderful holiday shopping experience.

The 36th Annual Out of Hand Modern Market takes place November 27 to November 30, 2025 in Crystal Garden.

Dates & Times

  • Thursday, November 27  7 to 9pm
    NEW! Opening Night – first look, special offers, free gifts, live music, giveaways, limited pre-sold tickets
  • Friday, November 29   10 to 7pm
  • Saturday, November 30   10am to 5pm,
    NEW! Family Fun Hour before the Santa Clause parade from 4pm to 5pm in partnership with Kaleidoscope Theatre.
  • Sunday, December 1  10am to 4pm

Crystal Garden, 713 Douglas Street, Victoria, BC